What is C-PACE?

Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) is a financing tool that provides long-term, low-cost construction financing for new and existing buildings. Property owners and developers use PACE financing to lower their overall cost of capital.

Eligible improvements may include energy efficiency, water efficiency, renewable energy, and resiliency measures such as seismic and stormwater measures.

CPACE loans are structured as assessments that are repaid through the property owner’s property tax bill over a 20 to 30 year period.

PACE-enabling legislation has been passed in 40 states and D.C. C-PACE continues as a mainstream financing tool, having recently topped $9.8 billion in total financing.

To see states where C-PACE is live, along with the lookback period available for each, be sure to explore our PACE eligibility map.


Video Credit: PACE Nation

What is C-PACE?

How it Works

Unlike a traditional loan, C-PACE financing is repaid via property tax assessments. This means borrowers make payments only when property taxes are due, rather than every month.

The assessment remains with the property in the event of a sale enabling sellers to provide built-in seller financing.

C-PACE financing is long-term (depending on the program, up to 30 years), fixed-rate for the duration of the term, non-recourse, and considerably cheaper than traditional mezzanine debt – without covenants and guarantees.

C-PACE-eligible projects improve the efficiency and value of a property – common measures include:

Typical Measures funded by CPACE

How to Qualify for C-PACE

How to Qualify

Every situation in real estate is unique, Bayview has underwritten and closed billions of real estate financings. Leveraging that background and the Bayview PACE team’s expertise, we can quickly ascertain whether a project fits. We start with a conversation, but in time will need all of the documentation that a traditional senior lender will require. Please contact us today.

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